Saturday, February 23, 2008


After our hockey game last night, our Pastor and his family invited us over to his house and we had fun playing with their Wii! I found out that I'm not as bad at bull riding as I would have thought! :)

::Faceoff at the hockey game...sorry it's a little blurry - my camera doesn't catch movement real well::

::Me and our pastor's daughter, Ashley, Wiiing::

::Nikki and our pastor's son, Drew, in a heated game::

::Notice how much calmer Drew is than Nikki?? She gets really excited::



Abby said...

Fun, Tori! Do you play hockey or just go and watch??

Tori said...

Hi Abby!

I wish I could say I played, but since I can barely skate, I'll have to say that I just go and watch! :) I am a huge fan!

I have a question for you! Do you spell your name Abi or Abby - I have seen it spelled both ways.

Abby said...

I don't ice-skate either---I have a bad ankle that I've injured two or three times, and plus both of my ankles aren't very strong...I wish I could though! :) Is there any other sport you like to play?

You've been spelling my name right! =)) Abby is my given name, and isn't short for Abigail. =) Some people have spelled it differently, like "Abbey", but you've been on the right track! =))

Margaret Braun said...

I had a better day than you. Our youth went snow tubing. It was pretty sweet.

The Chmelars said...

i love wiiing! it's so much fun. but what is even more fun is watching other people play it. there in lyes many a laughs! :) great post... and i love all the pics that you put with your posts!

Tori said...

Thanks girls!


I enjoy messing around with different sports, but the only one I've actually played is softball - I played in a Park and Rec league - I really enjoyed that, and am hoping to play again in our upcoming church softball league. :)

Abby said...

That's probably fun! I've never done much baseball or softball, but would like to. I'm a soccer girl! I love soccer!! It's one of my favorite summer activities! =))

Lacey said...

So, who's the biggest hockey fan in your family? :-)

Tori said...

Ooooo....that is one tough question. I am a HUGE fan, so I would have to say me. My entire bedroom is hockey. Besides God, it is my biggest passion. I absolutely love it. My dad is pretty close behind me - he follows it really close and has been a fan for years. My younger sister Nikki loves it a lot too - she's the one in the pictures. My other sister and mom like it too, but not nearly as much as me! :)