Thursday, March 27, 2008


Ms. Licensed Driver!
Yes, you read it correctly. Deanna is now officially licensed to be able to drive on her own! She has had her permit since she was fourteen, and decided to bypass driver's ed, and waited until she was 18 so all she had to do was take a driving test. She took it this morning and passed with flying colors (she even was able to parallel park without any trouble)! She's been driving around all day (Nikki and I have been begging for rides) and us three girls went out for lunch today all by ourselves! :-)

::Calling Dad at work to tell him the good news!::

Please leave a comment congratulating Deanna!


Margaret Braun said...

Congratulations Deanna! I'm learning to drive now and it's pretty exciting. And no I haven't hit anything (yet).

Anonymous said...

Yay Deanna! I fore-went driver's ed too and it worked really well. :)

Abby said...

Fun, fun, fun! I bet she's enjoying that, and I know you and Nikki will be enjoying it too! =))

My Bright Corner said...

Good for you! While I was in the license branch today, I saw several teens today getting their permits or drivers licenses. It brought back fun memories of when I was 17!

PS - Thanks for the comments on my blog, Tori! Nice to meet 'ya! :)

Unknown said...

She must be very excited!

Beth said...

Congrates! I was really excited when my sister could drive me around.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I remember when my sis got her license-it's hard to believe we survived w/ only 2 drivers. I am getting ready to start my drivers ed on April 7 and I've had my permit since July 14 last year (the earliest date I was legally allowed to have them). If I don't complete my 50 hrs. of driving time by the same date this year then I'll have to start all over again. Hopefully I'll have them end of April begining of May! Congratulations again! Olivia

Under Southern Skies said...


Lacey said...

Congratulations, Deanna!!! It'll be so nice when you have to make a run somewhere or go someplace.

Nicole 妮可 said...

This is really exciting!! My sister, Tiffany, did the same thing. I took DE, and now my brother who is almost 17 is taking it this summer.
PS> I assume this is your sis?