Thursday, February 26, 2009


This past week, our family applied for a membership at the local YMCA and have been utilizing it quite a bit! It's wonderful to have a place to go where we can work out!

So, mom and I decided to head to the gym to try out the equipment. We went strutting in there like we knew what we were doing - but we quickly found out we didn't. We had NO idea how to start the treadmills! We finally had to ask this lady how to start it, which was kind of embarrassing. We quickly found out that we had nothing over all of those other young girls there - we're over here walking on our little 3.5 speed, sweating and ready to get off, while everyone else is jogging at a 6.5, at least! Finally, I got up my courage to try jogging, but that only lasted about a whopping 2 minutes.

Yesterday, dad and mom took me with them to the Y and taught me how to play racquetball! It was quite an experience! I couldn't quite get the hang of serving and kept forgetting one of the top rules of the game: never look behind you! I also felt the pain of getting hit with the ball when I hit myself (yes, myself) in the stomach.....I wouldn't recommend doing that.

So, needless to say, today I am sore. Very sore. My arms, shoulders, back, legs, and feet are aching. I cannnot believe how out of shape I am! But all the more reason to keep working out!

I am now off to hum my now favorite song!

Y-M-C-A, it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A........


Anonymous said...

Wow, is it ever good to know that I'm not the only girl my age who isn't in shape.... I keep telling myself I need to DO HARD THINGS and exercise! :-)

Have fun, at any rate, and I hope your soreness goes away soon!


Abigail said...

Yeah, I tried to play raquetball once with my Dad, it didn't work out so well. It was fun, but I was terrible!

Nikki said...


tiff said...

we have a membership at the y too. i realy should utilize it. lol. im so out of shape! (hey rounds a shape!) lol


Rachael said...

I've given you a blog award!

Kade said...

Huh. How does that work, hitting yourself?


priscilla joy said...

I've never played raquetball before but sounds fun. Jogging on a treadmill can be um, very challenging...I get sore too!

Savannah Nichole said...

Hi, I just found your blog. I like piano and photography too. I also live in iowa.