Monday, October 20, 2008


"I want to know Him so well, and communicate with Him so regularly, that when I pass into eternity, I will be able to greet Him with, 'As I was saying, Lord...'"
~ Unknown


Nikki said...

LOve that quote Tori and BTW. LOve that picture!

Kade said...

That's a cool quote!

A Joyful Heart said...

A thought provoker! Thanks for sharing! BTW, your new haircut is cute!

Sasha said...

Hey Tori! I think I might have posted a comment before, I can't remember. Anyway, I thought I would introduce myself, and step out of "lurking" if that makes sense. I'm Sasha, and live in Russia..check out my blog if you have a chance:
Just wanted to thank you for such great posts!

Tori said...

Just trying this new comment thing out....

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so powerful! I do want to know my Lord like that!