Since many people enjoy watching Christmas movies, I thought I would give a list of some of our family's favorites this time of year.
(I do not take responsibility for possible inappropriate content on these websites - proceed at your own risk)
There are so many more that we could add to this list - we love Christmas movies! But these are just some of our favorites! Does anyone else like any of these movies or do you have any you could add to the list?
We watched 'It's a wonderful Life' not long ago...
Isn't it a great movie? I love watching Jimmy Stewart movies :)
We always watch White Christmas. Then we have all of the songs stuck in our head for the next two months, but it's worth it. :D
We just watched "It's A Wonderful Life" last night, and own "A Season for Miracles". I'll have to check out the first one you mentioned.
We love all of those!
Great picture!
You guys can pick out Christmas movies! A lot of those are our family favorites! :) Man, you're making me want to go watch a movie.
Have you ever seen "Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus" or the sequel "Meet the Santas"? Or "Once upon a Christmas" or the sequel "Twice upon a Christmas"? Those are good ones too.
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. It's amazing that somehow the Lord would connect us. I've been working with HMI for years and the founder Don Liesemer and I have been friends forever it seems.
Please add a link to my blog and ask Nikki to do the same.
We hope you and your family have a wonder-filled Christmas as you celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, our wonderful Savior.
Be encouraged today!
David Fisher
Take a peek over at Pilgrim Scribblings to see what I posted tonight!
Merry Christmas!
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